Red Ribbon release candidate 7 is now available. It is based on Debian Wheezy and it includes the following changes:
* Kernel 3.7.1 with the Graf_chokolo's, Marcan's and Gitbrew's patches.
* New version of the installer with some features added and some bugs fixed.
* New version of the Red Ribbon theme.
* Iceweasel (Firefox) updated to the 17 release.
* Asbestos and OtherOS now will use the same kernel.
* Kboot now will set the latest kernel as the default boot option.
* Added a new tool to configure the timeout on Petitboot.
* Added support for Playstation Eyetoy.
* Added GUVCview as the tool for capturing video from the webcam.
* Gnome-Player is now the media player.
* Added a new tool to configure the PS3's video mode.
* Added support for NTFS.
* PulseAudio is now the sound server.
* Added a new volume control tool.
All the new features are available for the RC6 by installing the latest online update. You need to connect the PS3 to the internet, open a lxterminal and download the file:
Then, you must execute it:
sudo sh online-update-2013-01-10.sh
And wait until finished.