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  1. #1
    I don't suppose you forgot to try using the rebug toolbox or install package files?

    What version of mM are you using? You know you have to update it for complete functioning on 4.46, right?

    Most things that worked on 3.55 have to be fixed to work on 4.xx+.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Nothern Hemisphere
    Quote Originally Posted by Jock O'Strap View Post
    I don't suppose you forgot to try using the rebug toolbox or install package files?

    What version of mM are you using? You know you have to update it for complete functioning on 4.46, right?

    Most things that worked on 3.55 have to be fixed to work on 4.xx+.
    Agreed. Try to install MM 4.46 base from package mgr. Come to think of it.. if you see Pkg mgr.. then you probably aren't on OWF. lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    that's weird, Multiman shouldnt supposed to be able to run at all when on OFW, not even the interface of the multiman shouldnt be executed. Also, in OFW, there is no app_home and Install Package files.

    You can do this btw:
    *Assuming that you already updated Multiman to v4.46.01

    - Launch Multiman
    - Disable BD-Emulation (in multiman settings)
    - Restart PS3
    - Launch Multiman Again
    - Enable BD-Emulation (in multiman settings)
    - Restart PS3
    - Now try Loading a game
    - It should work now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by rental View Post
    that's weird, Multiman shouldnt supposed to be able to run at all when on OFW, not even the interface of the multiman shouldnt be executed. Also, in OFW, there is no app_home and Install Package files.

    You can do this btw:
    *Assuming that you already updated Multiman to v4.46.01

    - Launch Multiman
    - Disable BD-Emulation (in multiman settings)
    - Restart PS3
    - Launch Multiman Again
    - Enable BD-Emulation (in multiman settings)
    - Restart PS3
    - Now try Loading a game
    - It should work now.
    The OP COULD try to start up SEN Enabler, and enable FULL CFW mode, and then restart it if the homebrew app works on the system
    Instead of me being a complete and total dick and a prick, I should be on my best behaviour!



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