Crunching the Latest PS3 Scene News!
Crunching the Latest PS3 Scene News!.
All the latest news regarding the PS3 Scene, remember you read it here first!
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- Threads: 705
- Posts: 18,394
PS4 is no longer a rumor, it is real and coming soon from Sony, discuss all the latest news-breaking headlines right here on Crunch!
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Reviews of commerical products, stuff we been given to review and push!
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Approved Useful Tutorials, written up by our valued crunching members!
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You bought a costly Jailbreak device, and now need help from other members, post here!
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- Threads: 682
- Posts: 10,273
Topics related to the Cobra ODE hardware
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Topics related to the Cobra USB Dongle
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Topics related to the E3 Flasher hardware along with their upcoming ODE device!
Topics related to the 3k3y ODE hardware
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I don't want to jailbreak, just access "service mode", post here for help on these neat devices!
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Commerical Jailbreak Like Devices, but they enable unlimited cheats in games!
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Not a utility or emulator, but a neat unique homebrew game!
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The main reason for jailbreaking, to run your games from HDD instead of DISC!
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Nothing like playing Old-School RETRO games on your PS3!
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Not a game or manager, but a neat little utility to make your PS3 more useful!
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Topics related to PS3, but don't fit to any of the special forums we have here!
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 424
- Posts: 3,411
Topics related to getting online or alt. ways to do so, but no DLC warez talk!
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Topics related to getting your Original Games working on your PS3 Console!
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 195
- Posts: 2,351
Topics related to changing a game to do other stuff and better things!
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Here developers talk about very technical subjects, so no idle chatter please!
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Got a hardware problem, need a solution, or have one, post it here!
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Official Support for those using REBUG releases!
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 213
- Posts: 2,968
Discussion about flashing new exploits or downgrading your NAND/NOR using, ProgSkeet or NORway!
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You are legit PS3 owner, but sadly Sony bricked your machine, or you wish to un-jailbreak!
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Support for those using the most common CFW made by Kmeaw!
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Support for those that have restored OTHEROS via custom firmware!
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Topics related to using this wonderful program to build your own custom firmware!
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Other Consoles Crunching
- Forums for Consoles and Handhelds that are not PS3, like the original PlayStation and Xbox along with Nintendo 3DS!
Topics related to the World's First 3DS Flash Cart for the Nintendo 3DS by Gateway!
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There is no stopping the first two Sony consoles, they sold more then the current PS3 system!
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Anything goes in this forum as long as its a Video Gaming Console and NOT made by Sony!
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We all own at least one Personal Number Crunching Desktop Machine!
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Here you will find good deals from Crunching members, and approved business ads from small vendors
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Just idle chatter, nothing related to Sony or the PS3. Post your own thoughts here!
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- Threads: 266
- Posts: 6,548
New to Crunch? Introduce Yourself Here!
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Got an idea on improving PS3Crunch, lets sit down and discuss it!
Or found a problem, report it here!
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 101
- Posts: 1,345
159 Spammers Denied Registration 3 Spammers Permanently Banned 3 Spammers submitted to StopForumSpam 173 Spammy Posts Automatically Moderated
Crunching the Latest PS3 Scene News! Statistics
- Threads
- 3,858
- Posts
- 60,379
- Members
- 12,789
Welcome to our newest member, Jesper Mikkelsen